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You Can Partner with Downtown Streets Team
Host a Hygiene/Warming Kit Assembly Party or a Kit Drive
Everyone deserves to feel clean and warm.
Hosting a kit drive is a perfect activity for families, friends, schools, and offices. We distribute hygiene kits to Team Members and to others experiencing homelessness as part of our outreach efforts. Hygiene kits contain essentials like soap, deodorant, shampoo, tooth brushes, and feminine products.
In the winter time, we collect warming kits that contain rain ponchos, warm socks, and blankets.
Download a kit list to learn how you can supply the unhoused neighbors in your community with the daily essentials of living. This document contains a helpful checklist and contact information.
Attend a Weekly Success Meeting in Your Area
Experience the power of community.
DST welcomes community visitors to our Weekly Success Meetings. Meetings offer Team Members an opportunity to share challenges and celebrate triumphs. Experience for yourself why SF Magazine describes these gatherings as “part church revival and part 12-step meeting, with a little hiring hall and job fair thrown in.” Weekly Success Meetings epitomize the supportive and inclusive community created by staff and Team Members.
We are eager to host visitors, but ask that all visits be arranged in advance.
To attend a Weekly Success Meeting, click the button below to submit a request and a local DST staff member will reach out to you to arrange your visit. (If you need help and are interested in becoming a Team Member, click here to find a Success Meeting near you.)
Join a Community Advisory Council in Your Area
We welcome your local knowledge, passion, and expertise.
Some DST communities are supported by Community Advisory Councils made up of people just like you, engaged residents looking to make a difference in their neighborhoods by advancing the work of DST.
Applications for open council seats are clickable below.
Support The Phoenix Room
Making housing a home.
The Phoenix Room, led by Annette Hancock, ensures that individuals and families who are newly housed have all the necessary home goods they might need. Move-in kits contain bedding, towels, kitchen essentials, and cleaning supplies– the kinds of things you might pick up from Walmart upon moving into a new place. Every December, Annette and her volunteers assemble holiday gift bags for every Team Member across all 16 communities.
Click below to learn more about The Phoenix Room and how you can support their work.